Tag Archives: Draenor

ALERT, ALERT! The 6.0 PTR Is Up!

6.0 PTR Live!


What does this mean?

  • The PTR will mimic what the Warlords 6.0 pre-expansion patch will be like. It’ll have the stat squish in effect, but no Draenor just yet.
  • Presumably this means it’ll focus on the pre-expansion questline in the Blasted Lands.
  • Level 90 is still the cap.
  • Garrosh Heirlooms will be a 100% drop in 6.0, but will stop dropping when Warlords go live.
  • The Feat of Strength associated with the Garrosh normal kill will be unobtainable, meaning the Kor’kron War Wolf mount will be unavailable.

I mention those last 2 points as a bit of an urgency warning. If you wanna get the Feat of Strength and the mount, then you better do so quickly within the next 3-4 weeks. You still have a while to collect heirlooms, but they will drop more readily!

Need a bit of advice on preparing for 6.0, and what is vanishing? Wowhead has a guide for you!

We’re entering the home straight, folks. Keep your head up!

Warlock News

We just have to be patient, fellow warlocks!

#warlords #wow #PTR

Warlocks of Draenor: Build 18837



  • Shadow Bolt: Deals (52.5% of Spell Power) Shadow damage, down from 74% of SP.
  • No, actually that’s it.

From what I gather and guess, the nerfs made here and in the last build were due to a massive bug that was inflating Demonology’s damage. They discovered the bug AFTER having nerfed it, then fixed it without retuning. I surmise then that the next beta build will have reversions to these Demonology changes, or at least they will be retuned to what they would have been retuned to anyway, rather than remain over-nerfed.

If this change sticks? Shadow Bolt is worse than Drain Life at this point. Ain’t that fun?chart


And according to Simcraft, Demonology is worse than A TANK SPEC, and marginally better than A HEALING SPEC.

It has to get better. It HAS to.

I LAUGH. Because if I didn't, I'd cry.

I LAUGH. Because if I didn’t, I’d cry.

Warlocks of Draenor: Beta Build 18816

So here we have a new beta build, and it’s one of those number-tuning ones! Demonology sees a lot of changes, including a massive general DPS loss of around 33%.

Let’s have a look at the changes.


  • Demonbolt: Deals (1+150% of spell power) as Chaos Damage, down from (1+250% of SP)
  • Doom: Deals (4+120% of SP) Shadow damage over 60 seconds, down from (4+150% of SP)
  • Shadow Bolt: Deals (1+74% of SP) Shadow damage, down from (1+124.2% of SP)
  • Touch of Chaos: Deals (1+40% of SP) Chaos damage, down from (1+69.03% of SP)
  • Soul Fire: Deals (1+34% of SP) Fire damage, down from (1+42.5% of SP)
  • Hand of Gul’dan: Deals (68.8% of SP) instant Shadowflame damage, down from (86% of SP), and deals an additional (18% of SP) Shadowflame damage over 6 seconds, down from (22.5% of SP)

It’s no secret Demonology was performing extremely well on beta, but 33% better? Is this the price we pay for being able to do above average in a movement fight? Are Demonology warlocks going to become the new hunters? Fantastic on movement fights, slightly below average otherwise?


Only 2 changes here!

  • Haunt: The periodic damage increasing debuff it puts on an enemy now increases you DoT damage by 30%, down from 35%.
  • Drain Soul: Now learnt at level 24, instead of level 42.

Nice little quality of life change there, making Affliction’s main filler spell available sooner. Hopefully, the toning down of Haunt means that more power will be shifted back to the individual DoTs? Or perhaps this is just to tone down affliction DPS too.

Set Bonuses

  • Destruction 2pc: When Immolate deals damage it has a 10% 4% chance to generate a full Burning Ember.
  • Destruction 4pc: When a Burning Ember is filled up, you have a 15% chance to reduce the cast time of Chaos Bolt by 50% and cause Chaos Bolt to consume no Burning Embers when cast chance to cause your next Chaos Bolt to multistrike 3 additional times.
  • Affliction PvP 4pc: After using Demonic Circle: Teleport, you gain 100 1300 Versatility for 10 seconds.
  • Demonology PvP 2pc: When you or your pet are below 20% of maximum health, you gain 100 1300 Versatility.

I actually like the Destruction 4-piece change. Sure, speedy Chaos Bolts would be immense fun, but having a single Chaos Bolt effectively hit 4 times (maybe more if a normal Multistrike proc goes off!) will be CRAZY!

So. What’s the betting we’ll see some Destruction tuning soon?



#warlords #warcraft #beta

What To Do, What To Do?

Before the next expansion hits, I’d imagine most people have a checklist of things they want to get done. Let’s have a look at what my plans are!

Gear Up

In Draenor, I’m gonna focus only on having 3 characters at max level that I regularly play.


Raenah, my warlock, is currently sitting at an item level of 564. She has the legendary cloak, and I have not one but TWO Garrosh heirloom staves. They’re currently sitting on my mage and my priest at the moment, but when the time comes, one of them will be Raenah’s.

Raenah doesn’t need much work doing, to be honest. She’s fully flex-or-above geared, and has it easy in the earlier stages of Draenor.


Shamwhoa is my shaman, and she’s sitting pretty at 558. You can’t see in that picture, but she has the Garrosh heirloom mace AND shield, so she’s all set too. Not only does she have the legendary cloak, she has the awesome Dark Shaman transmogrification armor, so she’s pretty much good to go as well.


Lixiu is the current work-in-progress. She’s at 538, I have no Garrosh bow for her, and she’s still collecting those blasted sigils. Better get crack-a-lackin’ with her!


I also want to get characters with professions to level 100 as well, and max out those professions as soon as possible. Who among my characters has maxed professions?

  • Herbalism: Vanlew
  • Mining: Patrianna
  • Skinning: Vanlew, Lunchi
  • Alchemy: Shamwhoa
  • Blacksmithing: Patrianna
  • Enchanting: Raenah
  • Engineering: Lixiu
  • Inscription: Shamwhoa
  • Jewelcrafting: Lixiu
  • Leatherworking: Lunchi (but only at 300 or so!)
  • Tailoring: Raenah

So looking at this, as well as having Raenah, Shamwhoa and Lixiu leveled to 100, I can add Patrianna (the paladin), Vanlew (the rogue) and Lunchi (the monk) to that list. Lunchi is the main work in progress here; she’s the only character here I need to level a profession on. Sadly, that profession is leatherworking.



So having purchased an Ethereal Soul-Trader recently (seen here posing with Raenah and Sylvanas), I’m pretty much clean out of gold. The coming weeks will hopefully see me build that back up to a repectable level, though I know we’ll be getting a shed-load of gold from levelling in Draenor, as well as dungeons, seeing as Justice and Valor are going away.

So money making is a low priority, but still of some importance.

Things That Go Away

A few dungeons are changing in Warlords.

  • Razorfen Kraul
  • Blackfathom Deeps
  • Upper Blackrock Spire
  • Razorfen Downs

There may well be things you wanna get from there, such as transmoggables, hunter pets, and the like. I’d advise doing it now, as it may well transpire you won’t be able to get them soon.

Ditto Challenge Mode stuff. You want the transmogrification armor? The mounts? I’d recommend you get on that.

For me, the challenge mode stuff is not really a priority, but the dungeon stuff is. I’ll have a look at loot tables in there, and see if there’s stuff I want to collect.

Also falling under this banner is the Ahead of the Curve Garrosh Hellscream achievement, as it has a mount tied to it.

You can’t get this pretty wolf in 6.0, so I’d see about getting it asap if that bothers you!



These aren’t things that go away, but it’d be nice to wrap up Pandaria stuff BEFORE moving onto Draenor. Raenah’s been hunting that Ironfur Steelhorn for months now! It spawns when I’m logged into different characters, frustratingly.


I doubt these are difficult to do in Flex mode. They’ll probably be easier in 6.0, but why not get them done now?




I’m still stuck at Major Payne. This is… This is unacceptable!

Must get the pets from Throne of Thunder while I’m at it. And the ones from Siege. I have literally none of them yet.

Must get the mini celestials! Okay okay, just the mini Niuzao.




  • Final Fantasy 14 is apparently introducing the Triple Triad card game from Final Fantasy 8. I may start playing FF14 because of this.
  • No seriously, Triple Triad is awesome.
  • Beta patch notes are up, and I have modified the Warlock Changes page as necessary. For the record, now that we have a neutered Gateway and healthstones that are terrible, we went from having SOME utility outside of great DPS, to barely any. Great.

You know what’ll cheer me up after that horrifying revelation?



#warlords #warcraft #wow

Warlocks of Draenor: Build 18738 + Patch Notes

This brings about some Demonology changes, some tooltip wording fixes that I won’t focus on, and not much else.

General Changes

  • Healthstones now restore 15% of health, down from 20%.
  • Soulburn: Haunt‘s damage increasing buff is now 20% on all targets, up from 15% on the one. So as long as you have SB:H on one target, all enemies you DoT will take more damage.
  • Haunt‘s base damage is now 375% of your spell power, up from 295.5%.
  • Drain Soul‘s basic damage is now 4+76% of your Spellpower, up from 4+60% of SP.
  • Drain Life‘s damage has been massively nerfed, causing 150.% of SP as damage over 6 seconds. It was 350.7% of SP!

Demonology Stuff

So Demonology’s mastery increases damage in caster form by 8%, and in Demon Form by 24%. This is still the case, however the Demon Form damage increases are not on all spells as before, but only on specific ones.

  • Touch of Chaos
  • Chaos Wave
  • Doom
  • Immolation Aura
  • Soul Fire

These are the only spells that will benefit from the 24% damage bonus. Any other spell will only have an 8% bonus.

Why? I can only think that it’s to make sure Cataclysm is balanced. For a spell that already hits like a truck (750% of spellpower!), Metamorphosis was making it hit like several trucks and a mini cooper. One shotting people on the bridge in Ashran? Oh yes. By making it unaffected by Metamorphosis, it can stay at that strong level without requiring nerfing, which would hurt its effectiveness for the other specs.

What’s confusing is that it also seems to be omitting Demonbolt from Demonology’s mastery. This is a Metamorphosis-only spell, and it doesn’t benefit from Metamorphosis?

Other changes include:

  • A 30 Demonic Fury cost (plus 30 DF per second) for Drain Life.
  • Glyph of Felguard now allows 2 handed maces to be used! (EDIT: This is just a tooltip update, they’ve been usable for a while now. Thanks to Dobablo for clarification)

Destruction Levelling Changes

To make the new level 15 talent (Searing Flames) worthwhile to use at level, a few spells are being learnt earlier than before.

  • On live, you currently gain Burning Embers, your secondary resource, at level 42. In Warlords, you will get them at level 10, when you pick a specialization!
  • Chaos Bolt is also going to be learnt at level 10, instead of level 42. Imagine the low level PVP! Chaos Bolt, boom.
  • Ember Tap, the spell Searing Flames modifies, is being learnt at level 15 in Warlords, instead of 42 as on live.

Patch Note Update

Only one thing updated here.

  • Seed of Corruption and Soulburn: Seed of Corruption can no longer both apply to the same target.

Warlords Beta: Second Impressions?

Okay, so I’ve been playing the beta for a while now, so here’s a follow-up to my “first impressions” blog post.


NPCs know you. They’ve heard of your exploits. They call you commander, and salute as you walk past them in your garrison. I love this. It makes me feel like my character has a place in the world. In prior expansions, it felt a little bit like NPCs were “who the bugger are you? Go and kill some crappy elementals, you NOBODY.” Mists improved this a lot, we were summoned by the king himself to go into Pandaria and investigate! Warlords takes this to the next level. You’re a respected commander in the Alliance army (or whatver the Horde equivalent is), and the game wants you to know it.


I’ve been playing as a Demonology warlock recently. This is not only because of the instant cast spells which allow me to tag mobs easier, but also because I want to try out the new Grimoire of Synergy talent. I haven’t got around to it yet, as I’m still doing regular questing, so I have Grimoire of Supremacy, but here are my current thoughts on the spec:

  • The cast time of Shadow Bolt feels… almost oppressive. That being said, I only have 6.63% haste, so I’m hoping that improves dramatically when I get better gear. If it doesn’t… then yeah. For a cast time to be comparable to that of Chaos Bolt,but with it not BEING Chaos Bolt seems a little extreme.
  • It’s a lot easier to tap mobs with Corruption/Doom/Touch of Chaos/Hand of Gul’dan. Mob tapping has become a slightly fraught issue in recent days, but Demonology definitely has it better than Destruction. As Destro, I was being beaten to mobs EASILY by hunters and rogues when I had no charges of Conflagrate. Why not save charges? Because my mind is programmed to hit that spell on cooldown as soon as a charge is generated!
  • The Wrathguard hits like a TRUCK once you get the Improved Demons Draenor perk (+20% demon damage). He is also a LOT better than the Voidlord at grabbing aggro off of you from more than 1 enemy at a time.
  • It’s also a lot easier to sustain said pet, as Destruction no longer has access to Health Funnel for unknown reasons. It’s gone from our spellbooks, yet has not been documented in patch notes, or mentioned by devs on Twitter. Thankfully Demonology and Affliction still have it.
  • Glyph of Imp Swarm is broken. Not working. I tend to have more imps around me than the glyph would summon though, so it’s probably a wasted slot at the moment.


Garrisons. When I’m out questing, I’m looking forward to the time when I get new followers. They’ve all been females so far. Sadly no pandas. When my followers complete a mission, I will literally drop EVERYTHING and go back to the base and see how they did. When one of my followers failed, I said (out loud!) “aw don’t worry, you did your best!”

Either this is one of the signs I am going slightly mad, or this whole garrison thing might be more engrossing than I had thought.

When I got the plans for the alchemy building, I actually let out a little yelp of joy. Finally, a new building! I practically skipped the whole way back.

Introductory quests to each zone seem to involve you building an outpost in that location, and gives you a choice between two structures, each with a different function, each one taking you on a different path through the zone. And yes, at level 100 you can  change your mind, tear the bastard down and build the other structure if you like.


I’m enjoying the free-form approach to questing. There are quest hubs, to be sure, but you’re not going from hub A to hub B then hub C, and then set-piece in hub D. You can go to C first, then B, then have the big event at D, then take a trip back to A.

Bonus objectives are very rewarding. They always give a large chunk of experience and a wedge of gold, and they aren’t difficult to do either, usually amounting to “Kill # of X, collect # of Y, and kill Giant Enemy Z.”

There’s also plenty of rare spawns on relatively short respawn timers. Once they drop their rare quality item for you, they don’t drop it again, so it discouraged farming, and encourages others to kill them too. Not only that, but some of them are fairly challenging!

Tanaan Jungle is a bit of a boring experience though. It’s the same between both factions, and we seemingly have to do it on EVERY 90. Hopefully when it goes live, this’ll be restricted to only boost characters, but I doubt that sadly.


Character models look fantastic. They’re so expressive! They’re such a massive improvement on the old models.

Raenah struttin' her funky stuff.

Raenah struttin’ her funky stuff.

This is especially good news for me as I like taking pictures of my characters, and the better they look, the better the picture! It’s why I like Pandaren pictures, they look so amazing.


As with any highly populated area, there’s a lot of competition for kills. As mentioned before, some classes/specs have it easier than others to tap and kill mobs, and this can mean frustration for people. One of the methods Blizzard uses to alleviate this is to increase the spawn rate of enemies based on how many people are there, but this leads into its own problems. Some enemies will literally respawn as soon as they die, not allowing you to drop out of combat. This is particularly egregious in the quests leading up to you establishing your garrison. You have to kill a load of ravens, and they WILL respawn very quickly. It’s annoying more than anything.

What can be done? A lot of people (myself included) advocate an “open tap” system, whereby you help kill something, then you get quest credit for it as well as the other(s). The devs think that not allowing this would force people into more social situations, create groups and whatnot, but in my experience it doesn’t, it breeds hostility and rudeness instead. Still, there’s probably a compromise to be had.

My idea? Allow open tap in the patch a zone is introduced, as this is the time these areas’ll be busiest. Turn it off when new areas are introduced, and open it up in them instead. There’s probably a load of kinks to work out with that idea, but it’s something at least!

Well, that’s my second impressions. Warlords is shaping up to be a damn good expansion so far, and I hope to see you all in Draenor!

I do NOT wanna meet the owner of an axe as big as I am!

I do NOT wanna meet the owner of an axe as big as I am!

#warlordbeta #wow #warlock

Warlocks of Draenor: Grimoire of Synergy

So I wake up this morning with the full intention of taking advantage of server reset, and working on getting the Titan Runestones on my shaman. I have none so far, but then I did Secrets of the Empire in like 2 weeks so I can’t complain.

While I was asleep, however, patch notes were released, and they contain a very interesting change for Demonology warlocks! It’s not yet implemented on beta so I can’t mess around with it, but here’s the general gist.

Demonology is a spec that focuses around having stronger demons. Your mastery stat increases your demons’ strength, as well as your demonic form. A talent like Grimoire of Sacrifice, which kills your demon to increase your strength, didn’t really fit with the whole ethos of a Demonology warlock, so the team set about reworking it.

They had originally toyed with it Grimoire of Sacrifice being a sacrifice of YOUR strength to power your pet for Demonology only, in that your critical strike would be halved, and your active demon’s critical strike would be doubled, and also with it being a temporary cooldown, but in the end decided to replace it with a brand shiny new Demonology-only talent!

Grimoire of Synergy: When the warlock or their demon deals damage, there is a chance to trigger Demonic Synergy, granting the other one 15% increased damage for  15 seconds.

So basically, you and your pet can trigger this proc with your attacks. Your pet can trigger this proc on you, and you trigger it on your pet. We don’t know how often it will proc, though I’d take a wild stab in the dark at 10%. Do your wild imps trigger this on you? Or would they trigger it on your demon? Or each-other? If your demon triggers this buff on you, does it also power up your imps/guardian cooldowns? After all their stats are affected by yours.



Thankfully, when it finally comes to beta, Arax’arad and I will be there to test it!

That would be Fel Synergy. And personally, I like the name. Fits the theme of the row (Grimoire of…) and describes the effect perfectly!

In other news:

  • The animation for Incinerate has changed! It seems wildly unpopular.
  • Infernals and Abyssals summoned through Demonic Servitude stop their pulsing AoE when out of combat.
  • Fel Flame is still gone.
  • Health Funnel is removed from Destruction. Presumably because with Soul Leech, Soul Link and our HUGE damage numbers through Chaos Bolt, we don’t NEED Health Funnel anyway.
  • Garrisons are still fun.
  • You can solo anything in Cataclysm at level 100 with EASE, bar Warmaster Blackhorn (I keep falling through the floor, glitch?) and probably Spine of Deathwing (RNG, pshaw). Yes, even Conclave of Wind, Ultraxion, Majordomo Staghelm and Cho’gall become absolutely trivial. You’ll be able to farm those transmogrification pieces with absolute ease! Unless you want ones from the latter part of Dragon Soul. Have fun with THAT one.
  • LFR Stone Guard solo is pretty easy.




Yes I was playing a warrior in that last picture. I wanted to test Gladiator stance. My point is, anything you can solo now, you will be able to solo in 6.0 so don’t worry about it!

Until next time, kids!

#warlordsbeta #wow #warlock

Warlocks of Draenor: Beta Build 18566

A new beta build went out last night that increased the level cap to 96, and allows access to Ashran, Talador and Gorgrond, BUT WHO CARES? We have warlock things to play with!

The major news for us is that Demonic Servitude, our level 100 talent, has been updated finally! Our Doomguard, Terrorguard, Infernal and Abyssal now have abilites! And yes, that Celestalon warlock tease tweet from a previous blog contained the ability names.

We also have some new PVP set bonuses to look at, and a change to two of our Draenor Perks. Let’s have a look at those first.


  • Affliction 2p: Getting stunned, silenced, feared or interrupted generates 1 Soul Shard. Can only occur once every 15 seconds
  • Affliction 4p: After using Demonic Circle: Teleport, you gain 100 Versatility for 10 seconds

Looks like they’re going for a quite defensive bonus set here. Being the victim of CC allows you to regenerate resources, teleporting away gives you a stat boost.

  • Demonology 2p: When you or your pet are below 20% of maximum health, you gain 100 Versatility

Another defensive one. Being below a certain health threshold will give a stat boost. Interestingly, it also gives you it if your PET is low health!

  • Destruction 2p: When Immolate is dispelled, the cast time of your next Chaos Bolt is reduced by 3%
  • Conflagrate generates 3 extra stacks of Backdraft

So we’re getting a very small reduction in Chaos Bolt cast time (does it stack?), and the ability to turret out more fast Incinerates. Nice!


Enhanced Nightfall is now Enhanced Corruption, but has the same effect (2.5% increased chance to regenerate a Soul Shard). Enhanced Backlash is now Enhanced Havoc, which reduces Havoc’s cooldown by 5 seconds! As someone who uses Havoc whenever possible, this is a good moment for me.


Our big new demons have some big new abilities!


They even get names! Korrithal the Doomguard, and Bapholar the Terrorguard!


Here’s the Doomguard’s abilities. For those of you using the Terrorguard from Grimoire of Supremacy, then you gain 7 Demonic Fury from his Doom Bolts, Cripple becomes Debilitate, which is a root instead of a slow for the same duration, and Shadow Lock remains the same. Pretty powerful interrupt, that.


Here’s the spell effect for Cripple on an unsuspecting dummy. Poor thing.


Here’s Infernorage the Abyssal, and Kindlesear the Infernal. Grimoire of Supremacy demon on the left this time.


Here’s their abilities! You can see they’re tank-oriented for this one. Presumably this will take the place of your voidlord, should you take the talent. He even has a dispel! For the Supremacy users, Torch Magic becomes Blaze Magic, which has the same effect, but also cleaves to two nearby targets. Allies if you choose to dispel harmful effects, enemies if you blast away a beneficial magic from them.

One ability he has isn’t in the spellbook yet for some reason, yet it does show up in the Command Demon ability.


Meteor Strike and Shadow Lock also become your Grimoire of Sacrifice skills, should you really feel the need to sacrifice it.

Well, isn’t all this terribly exciting? More beta news as and when I get it! I’m gonna go dive into my garrison now, I got some catching up to do, so I can see these new zones!

#warlock #warlordsbeta #wow

Beta: First Impressions

#wow #warlordsbeta #warlock

Yes, thanks to me being a lucky bastard and winning a key from the wonderful @MadgalenaDK, I am now a warlock in the beta!

So, what are my first impressions?

Put that belly away!

Put that belly away!

I like the basic cloth armor set! I think this is one we get from questing around Draenor, but being a template character, you get a full set immediately.

Hey Gul'dan, you busy?

Hey Gul’dan, you busy?

It’s cool seeing some old lore characters too! My favourite of course being Gul’dan, but seeing Cho’gall was awesome too! Bitches owe me FAVOURS.



Having messed around briefly with the level 100 talents, my favourite by far is Charred Remains. I will dedicate a blog post to these talents in the future though. AoE Chaos Bolt is as glorious as you can imagine.


Naturally, this being the beta, there’s a lot of unfinished stuff, and here’s one thing! Towards the end of the Tanaan Jungle experience, you are treated to this awesome in-game event.

We’ll take your word for it, Blizzard!

The Tanaan Jungle questing experience seemed a little… not BORING per se, but just incredibly simplistic. Sure, as mentioned it was awesome seeing Gul’dan and other lore figures, but something about it felt a little off. Easy.

As for garrisons, I took a bunch of pictures, and I will probably make some sort of gallery for them at some point, updating them as I go along on my mystical, savage journey.


I did a dungeon too. Bloodmaul Slag Mines. It was rather good! Smooth run. Bosses were the usual “kill adds, stay out of fire” malarkey, though I imagine they’ll be quite different on Heroic! Best boss? Roltall, a boss you fight on a bridge that has you dodging fiery boulders and flaming… flames!

Speaking of killing things… The stat squish! I have about 60k hp at level 91, I’m throwing out 12k-ish Chaos Bolts. Frankly, the numbers are something you don’t notice, though. Mobs die just as fast or slow as they would if the numbers were 10x larger, so what at first is jarring, you very quickly settle into. So much so, people were marvelling at how LITTLE bitching there was in General Chat!

Anyway, these are my first thoughts after a couple hours play. I’ll mess around in the garrison more, maybe figure out how this “streaming” thing works. I have a Twitch.tv account, might as well use it!

Until next time!

Warlocks of Draenor: Patch Notes and TEASING

#warlock #warlordsofdraenor #patchnotes

Short one, ’cause it’s not the gigantic influx I was expecting, but then we DID have that massive revamp last expansion, so not much needed to be done to us.


Gone. Bye bye. Our last curse is gone. Of course, this being beta, anything is subject to change, but it’s still sad to see.


This one is also gone, and Howl of Terror goes back to being a talent in its place. Frankly I forgot this talent was even there.


It was brought back in at reduced effectiveness, i.e. it only generated embers on a crit for destruction, and gave 5 Demonic Fury instead of 15 on hit for demonology. It was then cut again in favour of the 8 second Kil’jaeden’s Cunning on a 1 minute cooldown. Like, seriously in the same patch notes it mentioned the change to Fel Flame, then said it was simultaneously cut. Clarification from Celestalon revealed that Fel Flame was indeed gone for now.


This one’s not going! For demonology users, their more powerful pets will generate 20% more Demonic Fury. A buff! A buff!


For Affliction, we’re happy with their rotation. But, Drain Soul was causing them to be too strong in situations where they had a steady supply of small creatures to kill. We reduced the effectiveness of its on-kill effect in order to solve this. Additionally, Soul Swap was changed to cost 1 Soul Shard to push it into its intended role of being a more expensive but faster method of applying your periodic damage effects, and better balance it against Haunt.

Some blue text for you, lifted directly from the notes. Soul Swap is costing a shard. Soulburn: Soul Swap costs 2 shards. Frankly, with the removal of DoT snapshotting, we were most likely going to be hardcasting all our DoTs post-pull as we needed to refresh anyway, making Soulburn: Soul Swap something you do at pull to quickly apply all three DoTs and then never again.


Well well well, what could this be? My first thought? Abilities for the Terrorguard and Infernal for Demonic Servitude! What do they do? We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

New beta build please?

The sheep are oddly unfazed by a wolf howling amongst them.

The sheep are oddly unfazed by a wolf howling amongst them.